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Healing The Nation
Not By Might, Nor By Power, But By My Spirit, Says The Lord
Zechariah 4:6
Church Of God Holiness
We beleive in the whole bible here are some of the doctrines of the church
The new birth... John3:1-7
The virgin birth...
Matthew 3:18-23
Crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus...Matthew 28:1-8 and Mark 16:1-8
Baptism of water and the Holy Spirit... Matthew 28:18-20
Baptism of the Holy Spirit...Acts1:3-8 and 2:1-4
Repentance of sins Luke24:45-47
Faith towards God and laying on of hands...Hebrews 6;1-3 and Acts 20:21
Return of Christ...John 14:1-3 and Acts 1:11
Jesus has come in the flesh and was delivered for our Justification...Romans 4:25 and 1John 4:1-3
We believe and teach the principles of the bible and practice it.
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