Healing The Nation
Not By Might, Nor By Power, But By My Spirit, Says The Lord
Zechariah 4:6
Church Of God Holiness
Utterance are words that come from the inner man of the heart by the Holy Spirit
Relationship with God builds confidence in the abilitiy of our God
The prophet Jerimiah said by inspiration of God "is there anything too hard for God...Jeremiah 32:17"
He was a young man in his teens when God called him to the nations as a prophet
Jeremiah 1:5
It is interesting to know, that to make such a bold statement as the man of God made in faith of course...show us several points to remember 1. time spent in the presence of God and hearing his word will develop faith Romans10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God
2. His presence brings fullness of joy...Psalms16:11 and the joy of the lord is your strength... Nehemiah 8:10 so you become strong in Gods presence
Jeremiah caught hold of this truth and could boldly say "Is there anything too hard for God"...saints let us spend time with the lord our God in prayer and the reading and studying of his word
so when challenging times come which is depicted as winds rains and floods. Matthew 7:25...we will be confident to say as Jeremiah said, and trust God to work on our behalf to show Himself strong
Saints trust in Father God through his son Jesus our lord and saviour by the help of the Holy Spirit