Healing The Nation
Not By Might, Nor By Power, But By My Spirit, Says The Lord
Zechariah 4:6
Church Of God Holiness
She shall be called woman
...The help (helper comparable to him) meet for him Genesis 2:18
Women of God you have Divine purpose given to you from God who took you out of man from man's rib to fulfil a great purpose. Never under estimate your hidden and innate calling. God would not of called you forth without purpose. Here at the healing of the nations we will endeavour to unlock that gifting and encourage you to arise in the qualities of the great women of the bible, and with the new birth where you have a better covenant with better promises, Arise and shine in the power of the Spirit of the lord. My sister's you have a voice for God in these end times, God is calling you to come up higher.
Galatians 3:28...neither male nor female for you (who believe) are all one in Christ Jesus ( No one can claim a spiritual superiority) AMP
You have the river of life ( Living waters spring up inside of you) John 7:38 only believe.